Checks of Tk 1 lakh have been distributed to 6 poor and sick journalists in Patuakhali. On Tuesday (January 2) at 10 am, Additional Deputy Commissioner (General) Sheikh Abdullah Saeed on behalf of Noor Qutubul Alam handed over a check of four and a half lakh rupees allocated from the Journalist Welfare Trust to 6 poor journalists working in the district. level in his office. The check recipients are Patuakhali Press Club president freedom fighter Nirmal Kumar Rakshit (for medical treatment) Md Zafar Khan (for medical treatment), former press club general secretary Mufti Salauddin (for medical treatment), former general secretary Jalal Uddin Ahmed (for medical treatment), member Bilas Das (for financial assistance ) and Abdul Qayyum (financial assistance). District Senior Information Officer Animesh Kanti Howladar and General Secretary of Patuakhali Press Club Zakaria Hriday were present at this time. Journalists who received the check expressed their gratitude to the Prime Minister by accepting the check for the donation of Journalist Welfare Trust for medical treatment.
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