Mobile in Sonaimuri A fake dentist named Anisur Rahmanmasud (50) was fined in the court. On Wednesday, September 27, 2013, Upazila Health and Family Planning Department and Upazila Administration conducted a special campaign against fake doctors in Sonaimuri by Dr. Israt Jahan and Upazila Executive Officer Md. Ismail Hossain.
According to Section 22 of the Dental Council Act, the immediate Upazila Executive Officer and Executive Magistrate Md. Ismail Hossain Mobile Court Case No. 95/2023 against Anisur Rahman Bhuiyan at AR Dental Point in the area for not getting his dental certificate and for using different degrees on visiting cards and pads. Collected a fine of 40 thousand taka. It is noted that Anisur Rahman is the son of Abdul Mannan of Bhabiya Para village of Bargaon Upazila.
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