Popular musician Mumtaz Begum MP enthralled the audience by singing at the anti-trafficking concert at Cox’s Bazar beach. At this time, he called for the prevention of human trafficking. Expressing solidarity with him, the audience also took an oath to stand against human trafficking. Yesterday, Saturday (May 27) from afternoon to 8:30 pm, this event was held at the open stage of the district administration of Labani Point of Cox’s Bazar beach. The artist Mumtaz Begum performed music on the initiative of Winrock International, which works to prevent human trafficking in cooperation with the Swiss Embassy in Bangladesh. In addition to Mumtaz, the band ‘Madal’ performed music at the concert. In the event, a ‘Pot Song’ against human trafficking and awareness on prevention of human trafficking, the documentary film ‘Agunpakhi’ produced by Winrock International on the rights of survivors of human trafficking in the society was screened. Awareness concerts and documentary screenings have been organized in four districts of the country as part of the month-long campaign of the ‘O Men’ project. As a part of this, Dipta Rakshit, Tom Leader and Country Representative of Bangladesh Winrock International’s assurance project, said that this arrangement was implemented by the Cox’s Bazar district administration at the open beach of Cox’s Bazar beach. Meanwhile, the same arrangement has been completed in Khulna, Satkhira and Jessore districts. And District Magistrate Muhammad Shaheen Imran and Winrock International’s Country Representative and Team Leader of Assurance Project, Deepta Rakshit. Thousands of visitors thronged the beach to enjoy the music of popular artiste Mumtaz at the closing concert in Cox’s Bazar on Saturday. The concert was open to all. In addition to the general audience, the administration, public representatives, human rights activists and dignitaries from different levels of society were present in the event.
Visits: 2