What is the new education curriculum and why?

Picture of Eati Akter

Eati Akter

Sub- Editor

Education or education curriculum is the constitution of a country’s education system. Curriculum basically refers to the systematic plan of conducting educational activities. For what purpose an educational program will be conducted, through what subject matter the objective will be achieved, when, how, with whose help and with the help of what materials it will be implemented, how the student’s learning progress will be evaluated, all these outlines are called curriculum or education curriculum.


The teaching materials of the new curriculum basically mean the new teaching techniques. In the old curriculum, the teaching material was only text books. Books are undoubtedly an important educational tool. However, in the new curriculum, picture lessons will be added to the textbooks as a new teaching material with the spontaneous participation of the students. Crossword puzzles, role plays, debates, story telling and listening games, presentations, project learning trips, lectures etc. That is, to be specific, the teaching materials of the new education system can be divided into three parts. 1. New textbooks.2. Poster presentation.3. Group practical work.Some say that there is no exam in the new curriculum, then how will the evaluation be, the general evaluation method of the traditional education system is the exam where the knowledge and skills of the students were evaluated by the exam marks.Hence, in test-based assessment, students pay more attention to test marks than learning. But the biggest change in the new curriculum comes in the assessment system. The new assessment process will be completed in two phases, learning and summative. In the new curriculum, there is no examination till class three. However, in the above classes, along with the examination, the students are evaluated in a continuous learning method. That is, subject teachers will make students participate in various co-curricular activities including assignment based work, project based learning exercises, sports, group work, quizzes, poster exhibition and evaluate their work throughout the year.


In the fourth and fifth classes, 60% learning assessment and 40% summative assessment will be done on these five subjects: Bengali, English, Mathematics, Science, Social Science. The evaluation through examination at the end of the syllabus is called summative evaluation. Apart from these subjects, the remaining three subjects are physical and mental health and safety, Religious education and arts will be assessed 100% during learning. Bengali, English, Mathematics, Science, Social Science from sixth to eighth grade will be evaluated during learning 60 percent and summative evaluation will be 40 percent. Apart from this, the remaining four subjects Life and Livelihood, Digital Technology, Physical and Mental Health and Safety, Religious Education and Arts and Culture will be assessed with 100% during learning. 50% summative assessment will be done on five subjects namely Bengali, English, Mathematics, Science and Social Science in class 9th and 10th. Besides, the remaining five subjects of Life and Livelihood, Digital Technology, Physical and Mental Health and Safety, Religious Education and Arts and Culture will be evaluated 100% during learning. At the end of class 10 there will be public examination on class 10 syllabus. This exam will be held on the pattern of the current S.S.C exam under the concerned education board. However, the name of this exam may change.


Training is organized to familiarize teachers with the new curriculum. A special scheme has been formulated by the Directorate of Secondary and Higher Education (DSHE) to implement the training of teachers under this new curriculum. Teachers are being trained under this scheme. Under the new curriculum, teacher training is divided into several levels. At the first level teachers will be informed about the core subject matter and methods of the new curriculum. At the second level, teachers will be trained to acquire the necessary skills and knowledge to implement the new curriculum. At the third level teachers will be given advice and exchange of knowledge in implementing the new curriculum.
Undoubtedly, there will be a revolutionary change in the education system of Bangladesh through the new curriculum. This change will change the classroom environment, textbooks, tests, evaluation methods and much more. In the new curriculum for the physical and mental development of the students, importance has been given to sports and various creative activities so that they can complete their studies in class. There should not be too much pressure in housework. The new curriculum focuses on not having to waste time chasing coaching all day and also allowing students to spend some time on their own. Many are not in favor of this new curriculum. They believe in the traditional system. They feel that the absence of tests may have a sudden adverse effect on the students’ mindset. Because it is also a matter of thinking how much they can accept the sudden change in the process that they have been practicing for a long time. Many have criticized it. Rakhal-Raha, a guardian, told BBC Bangla, “The new curriculum has given more importance to practicals than exams. As a result, students have more work pressure than reading. Which has become a cause of concern for many guardians.” A person named Keya Talukdar said, “My daughter studies in class seven. Earlier, she used to sit down to read in the evening, now she cannot be made to read at all. Do all assignments all the time, sit with friends. I do not understand anything, how to learn without reading?  I personally support the new curriculum as I want to change the traditional curriculum. I think you have to change yourself to adapt to the changing world. And who will make this change? Education can change this. The people of Bengali do not believe in change. Because he believes in rote learning. By memorizing knowledge, one can become a person, one can be a society. Poet Guru Rabindranath Tagore said in the article “Vehicle of Education”, passing by rote is plagiarism. A boy who secretly takes books to the exam hall is kicked out. And the boy who hides more than that, that is, not in the sheet but in the brain, what did he do? According to the rules of civilization, the memory of people has been occupied by the printing press. Therefore, those who memorize the book and pass it, they steal in the most uncivilized way, while in the age of civilization they will be rewarded.” Children will learn through joy. There is no joy in rote learning. A few years ago students were caned if they could not memorize. Students ran away from school in fear of being beaten. Modern education came from Europe. We got it from the British. At that time, learning had to be done by memorization. Now the era has changed, the work pattern has changed, the education pattern has changed. Europe does not currently have a rote system. The curriculum being introduced in present day Bangladesh is also imported from Europe. Today, Finland’s curriculum has become a model around the world. First through ninth graders in Finland have four to eleven periods per week. Classes in art, music, cookery, carpentry, metal work, electricity, sanitary and textiles. Rote knowledge makes people unemployed and idle. In our country, those who become secretaries, professors cannot even set on a light bulb. An electrician has to be called to install the bulb. Because in Europe everything is taught by hand, not by rote.Europe has been followed in the new curriculum. Europe is the master of knowledge, science and education, so we should follow how Europe educates its children. In Europe, Japan, Korea, children are first taught how to do their own work? Brushing teeth, bathing, washing clothes are taught them. They are taught how to eat and drink, organize books and papers, etc. They have done this themselves and the children of our country have forgotten that this is their work. Mother, father or work maids are doing these things for them, but when they go to study abroad, they have to do these things themselves. There will come a day when there will be no real word for work maids. As currently there is no such thing as shepherd in reality. But until the eighties there were scattered shepherds in the society. Who will do the cooking or washing when there is no work to do? Then you have to do it yourself. Today’s boys and girls can’t even walk far to work. It seems like poultry. It should be remembered that ” Shorirer nam Mahashay Jaha Sahay Tahai Sai” and the more you relax the body, the more you will be sick  The education system of Bangladesh has become dependent on private, tuition and coaching. The current curriculum will protect students from the clutches of private tuition and coaching. Boys and girls learn school education at school and learn through fun. Boys and girls are happy when schools are closed in our country. Boys and girls are happy if Europe schools are opened. Private, coaching and rote learning are still in force in Bangladesh, though not in the developed world. Even if you want to change these things, you have to face problems. Go to school for education. Why study privately or go to a coaching center when there are teachers there. Due to private coaching, teachers and students do not concentrate in class. Knowledge is a gift, not a sale. Teachers don’t get the respect they deserve due to the sale of knowledge. In our country, doing well in exams is considered the only key to evaluation. Doing well in exams does not guarantee that he will be a good person. Merit along with other qualities should be taken into consideration in the evaluation. A system of summative assessment has been kept in the new curriculum. It is still an experimental system. Hope it will be beneficial. And there is no difficulty in making changes and modifications in case of deviation.

Md. Zillur Rahman

Head Teacher




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