A victim held a press conference protesting the case of harassment by some officers of Parashuram branch of Rajshahi Agricultural Development Bank (RAKAB) under Parashuram police station of Rangpur city. Victim Khalilur Rahman confirmed these facts in a written statement at a press conference organized at Rangpur Reporters Unity office on Tuesday afternoon. He said that on November 17, 2015, I received a loan of Rs. I was unable to pay the money due to their fraud. Even after paying all the money, some officials working in that bank filed a loan case against me in 2021 without my knowledge. Even after the case, I paid the installments to the bank and still I was not informed that a case has been filed against me. All my loan repayment vouchers are preserved with me. The bank accepted a decree of Tk 7,34,174.13 from me with actual and normal interest and other expenses. Then I revived the case by appeal. After reviewing the statement given by the bank, I found that many vouchers for the amount paid by me were not reflected in the bank volume. I have preserved the deposit receipt of the said loan amount. The bank filed a case against me on 24/06/2019 and 27/06/2019 by fraudulently showing a total of Tk 1,38,977/- interest on the bank statement. However, I have paid 7,91,025 rupees to the bank so far. 1,38,977 Tk has been charged more interest by the bank. It can be seen that the bank has taken additional Tk 1,95,827.87 from me. I will get 1,95,827.87 rupees from the bank. Even after that, some officials have filed a harassment case against me for their own interests by submitting false statements. The victim Khalilur Rahman mentioned the names of the accused 10 officials. Khalilur Rahman said that when I filed a case against 10 officials of Rakat, the bank authorities temporarily suspended me. The accused officers are Ambarish Mahast Manager, Rakab Kurigram Chilmari branch. Maidul Islam DGM Divisional Head Office Rajshahi. Altaf Hossain Manager Rakab, Payaraband Branch, Mithapukur, Rangpur. Zikiria, Officer Rakab, Zonal Office, Rangpur. Nabiul Islam Zonal Manager Rakab Zonal Office, Naogaon. Hafizul Islam DGM, Branch Control Department, Head Office Rajshahi. Ittekharuzzaman Rakab office Rangpur. Officer (Retired) Rakab, Zonal Office Rangpur. Mahabub Rahman Officer (Super Vizier) Rakab Rangpur Branch Rangpur. Khalekuzzaman Officer (Retired) Super Vizier Rakab Zonal Office, Rangpur. Abu Ruhail Md Ways Al Karni Manager Rakab, Kaunia Branch, Rangpur. They didn’t stop just by defrauding the loans. I have been suspended from the post of security guard by this bank on 12/07/2023 due to loan. By misappropriating my money and falsely showing credit to my superiors, which amounts to fraud and criminal breach of trust. I want good judgment through you in this matter. It should be noted that in the description of the money loan 19/21 litigation, how much money have I paid in total or how much interest has been incurred. wrongly obtained a decree against me on the basis of false information by describing the language without giving its description. I will get the total amount of Tk 1,95,827.87 claimed from Rajshahi Agricultural Development Bank. I want a proper solution through your writing. Khalilur Rahman also said, I am living a miserable life with my family due to temporary dismissal. My reputation has been tarnished with a lot of money lost in this harassment case. Despite not committing a crime, I have appeared in the court with a case for defaulting on the loan. I seek the intervention of competent authorities through you. We want justice by investigating this unfortunate incident.
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