Jayanagar High School 3rd Floor Academic Building Inauguration and Exchange Meeting

News Source

Mohammad Masud Majumdar

Special Correspondent, Cumilla

News Editor

Eati Akter

Sub editor

Inauguration of the third floor academic building of Jayanagar High School, Barura, Comilla and an exchange meeting was held. On Thursday, October 19 at 3 pm President of Jayanagar High School Management Committee and former Headmaster of Comilla Zilla School Babu Gopal Chandra Bhowmik was present as the Chief Guest Comilla D District Awami League Vice President and Upazila Awami League President Naschimul Alam Chowdhury Nazrul (MP). Joint Secretary of Ministry of Road Transport and Bridges Manindra Kishore Majumdar, Additional District and Sessions Judge Feni Kesab Roy Chowdhury, Barura Upazila Awami League General Secretary Nashir Uddin Lincoln, Barura Municipal Awami League General Secretary and Municipal Mayor Md Baktar Hossain Bakhtiar were present as special guests. Upazila Awami League Treasurer and Honorary Union Parishad Chairman Haji Md. Abdur Rob, Science and Technology Affairs Secretary and former Railway Officer Engineer Deepak Kumar Bhowmik, Barura Upazila Secondary Education Officer Md. Saiful Islam. School headmaster Sameeran Vaidya, former Comilla Zilla Parishad member Sohel Samad, Barura Upazila Secondary Teachers Association president and Ekbaria Hafiz Ahmed High School headmaster Swapan Majumder, Aoimi League leader Md Shafiqul Islam and others gave welcome speech. Naschimul Alam Chowdhury Nazrul (MP) inaugurated the three-storied academic building before the ceremony. School teachers, parents and students along with members of the managing committee and civil society leaders were present on the occasion.

Visits: 3

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News Source

Mohammad Masud Majumdar

Special Correspondent, Cumilla

Catagory News