Idol of young generation is Sheikh Syed Mustanzid Billah Rabbani

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Mezh Pir Saheb of Traditional Da’watul Islam Badarpur Darbar Sharif illuminated the house of Hazrat Syed Mutawakkil Billah Rabbani Badarpuri (M.G.A.) and Syeda Naima Khatun on 17th Rabiul Awal 1424 Hijri on Monday, a child was born. Later, grandfather Huzur Kebla, Gausul Azam Badarpuri (RA) named him Syed Mustanzid Billah Rabbani.
Shaykh’s first education was from his mother, Alema Syeda Naima Khatun. Later, he studied in Child Heaven International School in Lakshibazar, Dhaka, until the first grade, then he studied Hifz in Dhaka Jatrabari Tahfizul Qur’an Was Sunnah Madrasa of Ustadul Kurra Wal Huffaz Shaikh Qari Nazmul Hasan (D.A.) on the orders of his grandfather. Many international Hafez came out of that Madrasah like Hafez Nazmus Saqib, Zakaria, Abdullah Al Mamun, Shihab Ullah etc. The Shaykh was a brilliant student from childhood as it was reported by his teacher that he completed the entire Qaida in just one week. In 2013, at the age of 13, he completed Hifz and went to Dhaka’s Narinda Darul Uloom Ahsania Kamil Madrasa. Get Golden A plus everywhere in finals, JSC, SSC, and ASC exams. Currently, Shaikh is studying at New York City University in the United States. In addition, Dr. Elmul Qarat from Jamia Al-University of Egypt. Sheikh Abdul Fattah Taruti Hafi. Taking permission from it.

In addition to his studies, Shaikh has been holding the responsibility of khatib for 3 years at Wozniak Park Jame Masjid in New York. He regularly recites the Quran on different televisions including Bangladesh and the United States. He has done many social works including donating Rs 1 lakh to Sylhet flood victims. Finally, I would like to say that the popularity of Shaikh can be understood by looking at his social media accounts and the first Islamic scholar in Bangladesh to get blue badge verification on his Twitter. May Allah protect the Sheikh and the family of the Sheikh and grant them all Hayat Daras, Ameen.

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