Shamim Hossain, the accused in the third class student rape case of Bogra, has been arrested. She was arrested from Rumaliarchhara area of Cox’s Bazar last Tuesday (March 7) around 10 am. Acting captain of RAB-15, Major Syed Sadiqul Haque said that on February 27, a third grade student went to bathe in the river near her house in Sariakandi area of Bogra. Meanwhile, Shamim Hossain of Hindukandi area sneaked into the corn field with the victim’s shoes. When the girl entered the corn field for shoes, Shamim forcibly raped the victim. On March 6, the victim’s mother filed a case against Shamim Hossain at Sariakandi police station. After that the accused Shamim Hossain went into hiding to avoid arrest. With the help of intelligence and information technology, RAB arrested Shamim Hossain from his friend’s house in Rumaliachhara area of Cox’s Bazar Sadar. RAB-15 Additional Superintendent of Police Abu Salam Chowdhury said that the arrested Shamim confessed to the rape during initial interrogation. Legal arrangements have been made in this regard.
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