Brutal robbery in Brahmanbaria house with hands and feet tied

News Source

Moynal Bhuiyan

Brahmanbaria Correspondent

News Editor

Eati Akter

Sub editor

Ā In Brahmanbaria, there has been an incident of brutal robbery by breaking the gate-door of the house and tying the hands and feet of the family members. The incident took place in Ramrail village of Sadar upazila on Tuesday (08 August) early morning. The bandits looted 15 gold ornaments and 3 lakh rupees. During their attack, 4 people, including men and women, were seriously injured. The injured are Saidul Islam (70), his wife Jutsna Chowdhury (60), son Mainuddin Islam (26) and daughter Ayesha Akhter Mukta (28). Meanwhile, Ayesha Akhter Mukta has been admitted to District Sadar Hospital as she has broken both fingers and sustained severe head injuries.

Saidul Islam’s daughter Sadeka Islam Ratna said, “My two brothers and a sister live abroad. Sister recently came to visit from Sweden. On Monday evening, he left home again to travel abroad. Today Tuesday morning, my sister Ayesha Akhtar Mukta went to the toilet outside the house. Meanwhile, a group of 25/30 robbers surrounded our house. Out of this 10/12 people climb the boundary wall of our house and enter inside. 7 people entered the house by breaking the collapsible gate and door of their building by ducking inside the boundary. They entered the house and beat my father, mother and brother with native weapons and tied them with ropes. Meanwhile, my sister jumped into the house from the toilet and hit her on the head and threw her on the floor. It broke his two fingers. The bandits looted about 3 lakh taka and 15 loads of gold ornaments from our house. While going, my mother’s earlobe was torn by the pendant.

Injured Ayesha Akhtar Mukta said, I came from the toilet and saw 7 people standing around my brother. My two children were holding sticks to the child’s neck. All of them were wearing masks. They hit my head. Then I collapsed. I could not say when I got hurt in both hands. After regaining consciousness, I saw bandages on both hands.

Aslam Hossain, Officer-in-Charge (OC) of Brahmanbaria Sadar Model Police Station said that the police came to the spot after receiving the information. In this incident, 15 pieces of gold ornaments and about 3 lakh rupees were taken away by the robbers. The injured are being treated at the hospital. We have continued the operation to arrest the dacoit gang. A written complaint has not yet been filed in this incident.

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Moynal Bhuiyan

Brahmanbaria Correspondent

Catagory News