As per the guidelines of Police Headquarters, Mohammad Harunur Rashid Chowdhury has been selected as the best police station of Moulvibazar Sadar Model Thana district and the best officer in charge of the district in February-2023. District Police Superintendent Mohammad Zakaria presented the award to him today on March 7 at the monthly crime meeting of the district police. Overall law and order control of the police station, recovery of drugs, recovery of weapons, Keeping the law and order situation normal along with unraveling the mystery of the case The best police station in the district and the best in the district play an important role Awarded as Officer-in-Charge. Additional Superintendent of Police Administration, Assistant Superintendent of Police (Apprentice), Officer-in-charge of all police stations, DIO-1, DSB Moulvibazar, Officer-in-charge DB, TI (Administration), Sadar Traffic, Moulvibazar and other officials were present.
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