The Directorate of Narcotics Control arrested a drug dealer with 50 kg of ganja in a raid at Dinajpur Sadar. Based on secret information, a raid team of the Directorate of Narcotics Control (DNC) district office conducted the operation in the western neighborhood of Dighan village of Sheikhpura Union at 2 o’clock on Tuesday. The estimated value of the recovered drugs is Tk 15 lakh. The arrested is the son of deceased Zafar Uddin of Abuja Ali Sheikhpura Union. However, his accomplice Selina is absconding in this incident. Confirming the matter, Deputy Director of Dinajpur District Office of the Directorate of Narcotics Control (DNC) Shahidul Mannaf Kabir said that they had been selling wholesale and retail drugs for a long time. Regular operation is going on to make Dinajpur drug free. He also promised to cooperate with information. In this regard, Hasibul Hasan, Deputy Inspector of Dinajpur District Office (DNC) of Narcotics Control Directorate, filed a case against the accused drug trafficker Abuja and his associate Selina (absconder) under the Narcotics Control Act at Kotyali police station. Arrested drug dealer Abuzar has been handed over to Kotyali police station.
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