The same students who painted the streets with blood a few days ago are now painting the walls of their school with paint. Past and present students of Nidarabad Union High School in bijayanagar Upazila of Brahmanbaria are painting this graffiti on the walls of their school.
Basically, the image of the July movement and the vision of the future of Bangladesh are being presented in these graffiti. The pictures of those killed in the student movement are also appearing on the wall.
Students are writing various slogans on the wall for the reform of the country; He also paints various works of art. Students can be seen painting murals on different walls of the school’s boundary wall since Saturday (August 17) morning. Divided into groups, they paint the walls of the beloved school.
The students said that the young people have the confidence to build a new country. They think that the country should be reformed at full speed. He wants to forget the violence that has happened in the country in the last few days and move forward.
On Sunday, it can be seen that all the walls next to the main gate of the school have been painted by the students. He has also drawn various drawings in the middle of the road.
Such artworks of students have caught the attention of common passers-by. Many are standing and watching their multifaceted creative activities. These include Ektai Ball, Hero Bengali Pride, National Flag, Map of Bangladesh, Struggle, Unity, Corruption, Pran Prakruti Anti-Discrimination Movement and various other topics.
A group of students were painting artwork on the wall. They said, ‘Our program is to pay respect to those who have been martyred, shed blood, around them in the student movement. Besides, various political slogans, speeches, messages of harmony and provocative sentences were written, which are indecent. So we have teamed up to paint the walls and show the country’s traditions, the memory of the martyrs and the memory of the movement.’
Another student said, ‘We all did this movement together. Common people also joined. There were different types of writing on different walls, which were not visible and appropriate. So I am working to erase these writings and repaint them. I am presenting various memories of the movement. I am painting graffiti so that everyone, from children and teenagers to the elderly, does not forget the memory of the anti-discrimination movement.’
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