40 thousand officers-employees of 80 Rural Electricity Associations across the country are observing a two-point demand for the implementation of uniform employment rules and regularization of contractual and irregular employees by merging the Rural Electrification Board and the Rural Electricity Association.
However, they are observing the work break by keeping the emergency power service running under special arrangements.
A simultaneous strike is being observed in all the associations of the country from Monday (1st July) morning.
Due to this indefinite strike, there is a fear of disruption of electricity services across the country.
The protestors complained that Palli Vidyut Samiti, the only organization engaged in the supply of electricity to the remote areas of the country, has about 12 crore customers. The officers and employees of the association are risking their lives to provide uninterrupted electricity service, taking into account storms and natural disasters, they are providing services day and night. But due to the monopoly policy of Rural Electrification Board (BREB), the supervisory institution of the association, about 40 thousand officials and employees of 80 rural electricity associations of the country are being deprived of fair opportunities. Despite working in the same organization, they are being subjected to extreme discrimination in terms of rank, salary, bonus and promotion. Not only that, they are being harassed due to BREB’s inefficiency and low quality materials. Poor quality goods used in distribution lines do not ensure good customer service.
The agitators said that the officers and employees have been on strike since May 5 this year to demand the implementation of uniform employment rules against these discriminations. After that on May 10, at the request of the concerned authorities including the senior secretary of the Ministry of Power, I went back to work with the assurance of the Power Department that they would discuss the problem within 15 working days. Besides, a letter containing the signatures of 37 thousand 542 officers and employees of 80 rural electricity societies across the country was submitted to BREB along with the electricity department, stating the demands of the electricity department. Where no confidence is expressed in the board.
But although there is a discussion to be held within 15 working days, no initiative has been taken so far and according to the decision of the meeting, it has been decided to release all those who are suspended, attached and stand release within a week, but two suspended and two stand release have not been released so far. So again forced to go on strike again to escape from oppression and exploitation of Rural Electrification Board.
The two demands announced by the officers and employees of the association are 1. Integration of REB-PBS to implement uniform employment rules for building smart and sustainable power systems. 2. All contractual and non-regular employees should be regularized to keep the future power system operational and to improve the quality of customer service.
Even though all the Palli Vidyut Samiti held a strike in front of the head office from Monday morning, the emergency power service is still in operation. When trying to contact the highest authority on mobile phone, they did not receive the mobile phone.
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