RAB-10 Shahbagh and South Keraniganj area of 02 robbers were arreste

News Source

Daily Present Times

Desk News

News Editor

Eati Akter


On 15 MarchĀ  2023 AD, a raiding party of RAB-10 conducted an operation in Shahbagh area of the capital and arrested 01 robbers. The name of the arrested person is known as Md. Moktar (40). Meanwhile, 01 knife used in robbery was recovered from him.

Besides, on the same date, another raiding party of RAB-10 conducted another operation in Subhadhya area under Dakshin Keraniganj police station of Dhaka district and arrested 01 robbers. The name of the arrested person is known as Md. Mostakin Ahmed Palash (19). Meanwhile, 01 knife used in robbery and 01 mobile phone were recovered from him.

The preliminary inquiry revealed that the arrested persons had been robbing the passers-by with sharp knives and looting valuables including money and mobile phones for quite some time in various areas including Shahbagh and Dakshin Keraniganj.

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