A father of three children was beaten with shoes as punishment for attempting to rape a teenage girl in Shariatpur’s Jazira Upazila. Abu Taleb Dhali (45) was thrashed with shoes during the arbitration meeting in Bara Mulna Talukdar Kandar village of Ward No. 8 of Jazira Municipality on the night of October 3.
Abu Taleb Dhali is the son of Azid Dhali of Bara Mulna Talukdar Kandi village. He is a rickshaw driver by profession.
According to the local sources, Abu Taleb Dhali tried to rape a 8th grade girl from his neighboring poor family around noon on October 2 by pressing her face from behind in an empty room of Babul Shikdar. At that time, when the girl screamed, the people around ran and Abu Taleb Dhali ran away. When the matter became known in the area, an arbitration meeting was held in that area on the night of October 3. Arbitrators including Khokon Talukdar, Eskan Talukdar, Master Mannan Dhali, Sohrab were present in the arbitration meeting. The arbitrator ordered the girl to apologize to her mother and receive 50 shoes as punishment for the attempted rape. Mother Rahima Begum beat her son Abu Taleb Dhali with shoes on the orders of the jury.
Khokon Talukder, head of the arbitrators, said that an incident has occurred in the area. In order not to create unrest in the area, the local coaches settled the matter.
The girl’s father died two months ago. A girl has no one but her mother. Both mother and daughter are simple type. They are very poor and helpless. Their life goes on with the help of people. After the incident, Kishore and his mother are not leaving the house for fear of public embarrassment.
Kishori said, Abu Taleb Dhali has been teasing me several times before, giving bad suggestions. After I told this to my mother, she told her family not to do this again. But still he didn’t get better. He wants to take me home from behind and destroy me. When people around me came forward, he ran away. Later, the people of the area held an arbitration meeting and ordered 50 shoes to be thrown at him. Later his mother beat him lightly with some shoes. After this incident, I can’t leave the house because of my shame. He can do such horrible things to me because we are poor and helpless.
The teenage mother said, Abu Taleb Dhali is trying to destroy my daughter’s honor. The madbars of the area are judging him by holding an arbitration meeting. They asked him to apologize to me and ordered 50 jotapetas. On the order of the arbitrators, Abu Taleb’s mother gave Abu Taleb a house with shoes in a light manner. We do not like their judgment. As we are poor and helpless, we cannot afford to go to the police station and file a case. My husband died two months ago. I have no one except this one girl. With the help of people, I somehow survived with this girl. Because we are poor and helpless, our dignity is being dragged. There is no one to judge us except Allah.
Abu Taleb Dhali said, I kept cards in that room. I went to that room to get cards and saw that girl in the room. Then I left the house. Later, the people of the area started talking bad about me because I had gone to ruin the honor of that girl. Later the people of the area judged it by holding an arbitration meeting. My mother hit me with a shoe. I was not guilty but now I am guilty. So I accepted everything. I have no complaints about this.
OC Mostafizur Rahman, officer-in-charge of Jazira police station, said that no one came to the police station with a complaint on behalf of the girl. Legal action will be taken if complaints are made.
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