Prime Minister at scholarship award ceremony

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Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina is impressed with the talent and knowledge of the current students. He said, we don’t have that much knowledge either. Maybe we can’t give a speech so beautifully. These geniuses will be the skilled artisans of the fourth industrial revolution. Will become a smart citizen, will manage Bangladesh in the future.

She said these things at the opening ceremony of the ‘2023-24 financial year stipend and tuition fee distribution program among meritorious students from secondary to graduation (pass) and equivalent level’ at the capital’s Osmani Memorial Auditorium on Monday (June 24).

The Prime Minister listened to the experiences of the scholarship recipients at the event. Later, he said, ‘I have listened to the talent of our children. I am really impressed. We do not have so much knowledge, to be honest! We probably can’t give a speech so beautifully. Emoting so beautifully, bringing out every aspect. Different aspects have emerged in everyone’s speech. After I heard the words, to tell the truth, I feel very relieved because in the coming days, this Bangladesh is the Bangladesh of moving forward. Changing Bangladesh. We have nothing to worry about this Bangladesh.

She said, now our little Sonamanirai will take this Bangladesh by making it Smart Bangladesh. They will manage in the future. I believe that our children today will develop as smart citizens of the fourth industrial revolution.

The head of government said, ‘many diamond pieces are scattered, pick them up; That is our value proposition. We want talented students or talented people to be useful for the development of our country. For that we are giving help through this Bangabandhu Education Assistance Trust Fund. Moreover, we are providing stipends through various schemes. But when the project is over, there is a sense of helplessness. To prevent that from happening, if this trust fund is enlarged and all the scholarships are given through it, it will become a permanent settlement. Then no one else can spoil it. We will gradually take that measure.

The Prime Minister said, ‘Poverty should not be an obstacle. We have many talented students. Their parents cannot teach. For this reason, I am giving scholarship by funding education support. Our initiative is to support poor and talented students in their studies and research.

She said, if the rich people in our country donate to this trust fund, we can use more. But I will donate at least two crores from our Bangabandhu Memorial Trust. I promise it. It will be discussed in my board meeting. I will give it after discussing with my younger sister Rehana. We are also giving scholarships ourselves. But I think, if we can give it here, it will be our complacency. I have made this trust in the name of our father.

In response to the criticism of the creative education system, he said, ‘Digital Bangladesh writes whatever it wants. We love Bengali gossip. It doesn’t really accumulate without gossip. He writes whatever he thinks. That’s why I told the education minister, write this, write that, don’t listen. You must have self-confidence. Have faith in yourself. And when he takes responsibility for the country, what is good for the country should come from his own thoughts. I don’t believe that anyone should be afraid of a little criticism.

She told the students that self-esteem and self-confidence give strength to people. Who said that he will shed tears and hide his face, not that. You have to learn to walk by your faith. Then you can move this country forward. We have to move our country forward. Smart Bangladesh should be developed. The plans that we have taken, the programs that we are taking, it has to be done by those who will come from generation to generation. You have to do it. Can’t you? Can you? tell me

Sheikh Hasina said, we give the most importance to education. 94 thousand 710 crores have been allocated in this year’s budget as well. Due to increased budget in the education sector, there will be a positive impact on the society. Because education is very important to us. When I formed the government, our literacy rate was only 45 percent. Now it is 76.8 percent.

Education Minister Mahibul Hasan Chowdhury Naufel, Prime Minister’s Education and Cultural Adviser Kamal Abdul Nasser Chowdhury, State Minister for Education Begum Shamchunnahar, members of the Council of Ministers, officials of the Prime Minister’s Office and officials at various levels of the government participated in the event. In the event, the Prime Minister inaugurated the online scholarship program.

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina said, I will tell our dear students that after taking charge, after the Awami League government takes charge, we will modernize the creative education system, textbooks, curriculum of textbooks in keeping with the changing world.

She said, we want to come to the method of searching for merit, making education more personal through merit, making education in a joyful environment

Sheikh Hasina said, now if someone says read read read all the time, tell me if you like it. I don’t like it at all. Even if you have a desire to read, it gets lost, but this is a fact. That is why the education system should be made in such a way that the children will read with interest, they will not have to be rehearsed or beaten. They will read themselves, they will have that desire in themselves. We want to build that system.

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