The police have arrested an old man named Mujibar Howladar (70) on the charge of raping a class III student in Jhalkathi Nalchiti. Officer-in-charge (OC) of Nalchiti police station Muhammad Ataur Rahman confirmed the matter on Monday (September 11) afternoon. Arrested Mujibar Howlader son of deceased Chanu Howlader of Kathipara area of Upazila. In this incident, the student’s mother has filed a case at Nalchiti police station. According to the statement of the case, on Sunday morning, when the mother of the student went to the madrasa with her younger brother, Mujibar found her alone and raped her. Later, Mujibar escaped through the back door of the house. The victim’s relatives and local people have demanded the punishment of the accused Mujibar in this incident. OC Muhammad Ataur Rahman said that the accused was arrested on Sunday afternoon after the case was filed. On Monday afternoon, the accused was sent to jail through the Jhalkathi court.
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