On Monday 24 June 2024, a news item titled “Nuru has to pay fee When bus stops on highway” was published on the front page of the Daily Pageant Times newspaper at the bottom of the 7th and 8th column. I think that the information mentioned in the said news has no basis. I was never involved in such activities. I am the general secretary of the local unit of a large labor organization in Bangladesh. I think my opponent has purposefully provided such information to smear my political character and undermine my position.
I am consciously opposed to such activities. Which the local workers know very well. Above all I am saddened by such misrepresentation by the press against me. If everyone is responsible for publishing such news in the future, I hope that everyone will know the real truth.
Nurul Islam Nuru
General Secretary
Bangladesh Workers Federation
Abdullahpur Unit, Dhaka.
Reporter’s Comment: The news is not published to belittle anyone. The news is published based on objective facts
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