Naogaon Manda kalinagar village houses vandalized and serious injuries reported due to land dispute

News Source

Rois Uddin Ahmed

Naogaon Correspondent

News Editor

Eati Akter

Sub- Editor

In Kalinagar village of Kalikapur union in Naogaon Manda, due to a land dispute, houses and houses were vandalized and people seriously injured and left behind by the opposing party. The incident took place on 26/04/23 in the evening when a group came and ambushed, started vandalizing the houses, brutally tortured them if they stopped, the attackers thought they were dead and left. When their relatives tried to rescue them, the attackers also prevented them. When they called 999 when they became helpless, Manda police force under the leadership of SI Aminul rescued them and took them to Manda Upazila Health Complex. Due to serious injuries, the doctor on duty sent them to Rajshahi Medical College Hospital for better treatment. A case has been filed in Manda police station in this regard. It is known from the source of the case, 1. Md. Babul Shah (45), 2. Md. Razzak Shah (49), 3. Md. Rezaul Islam Je Reju (35), father-Md. Biraj Uddin Shah, 4. Md. Sadek Hossain (32), father – Md. A. Saman, 5. Md. Keramat Ali (34), 6. Md. Qayem Uddin (27), both fathers – Md. A. Gafur Shah, 7. Md. Movir Rahman (28), father – Md. Azizul Haque 8. Maj. Ansar Shah (A) 9. Md. Moktar Shah (58) Ujr father-dead: Sadha Dewan of the era 10. Md. Manik Hossain (25), father-Md. Anasar Shah, 11. Md. Rocket Shah (30), Md. Mokchar Ali, 12. Md. Shahadat Hossain (32), Father-May: Riaz Uddin Shah, Sarbsang-Kaligar, Thana-Manda, District- Plaintiff along with defendants. There was no dispute. There was a dispute with the Saidur member about the land. The defendant was overzealous and attacked the Saidur member for the plaintiff’s preparation for building the house.

The above-mentioned accused ganged up with bamboo sticks, hasua, spades etc. and vandalized the house and furniture of Altafunnesa Begum (48), husband Md. Bacher Ali, estimated at Rs. On the orders of the accused, the accused No. 1 hit Altafunnesha Begum in the middle of the head with a hasua in his hand and inflicted a serious cut and bloody injury. And Anwara Begum (45), pulled the gold chain of 12 annas, worth Rs. 60,000/- from the neck of the Begum. Accused No. 2 hit Anwara Begum on the left side of her forehead with a gun in her hand and inflicted severe cut and bloody injury. Accused Nos. 5,611 and 12 beat Anwara Begum severely with bamboo sticks in their hands and caused swelling in different parts of her body. Accused No. 3 hit Anwara on the head with the iron shabal in his hand with the intention of killing him, but when the blow was blocked, he sustained a severe fracture on his left wrist. Accused No. 4 hit Anwara Begum’s left leg with an iron shawl in his hand, causing severe fracture. Accused Nos. 1, 2 and 3 stole a total of Rs. Their calls are loud. Md. Wazed Ali (60), 2. Md. Shahidul Islam (50), both fathers-deceased Ahir Uddin 3. Mocha: Josna Begum (35), husband Md. Mustafa, Sarbsang-Kaligar, Thana-Manda, District-Naogaon and many others came forward, the accused threatened them with various threats and left from the spot. When I spoke to Saidur, he said, I was outside at the time of the incident. I can’t say anything. In response to the question whether it was on his orders, he said, “I have not ordered anyone to block people’s roads and make preparations for houses. Manda police station officer-in-charge acting OC investigation Mehdi Hasan said, after coming to know about the matter, officers were quickly sent to rescue them and send them for treatment. And trying to catch the accused after receiving the case. The accused will be arrested soon. Meanwhile, the entire family is living in fear without arresting the accused.

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