A young man named Palash Khandkar (35) died mysteriously in a locked room in Rajapur, Jhalkathi. Last night (Monday at around 2.30 am) the police broke the lock of the house in Banshtala area of Mathbari Union of the upazila and recovered his body. Palash of that area. Son of Abul Khandkar. Senior police officials visited the scene at night. Police and locals said Palash Khandkar’s father lives in Dhaka. His relationship with his family worsened due to drug use. His last five days ago Wife Sathi Akhtar went to her father’s house with her two daughters Tamanna (10) and Afsana (5). Since then Palash was alone at home. His house was always locked from the front because he used to take drugs at home. When the power went out yesterday Monday night, the people of the house came down to the yard in the heat. At that time, not seeing any light in Palash’s room, he threw a flashlight through the window and saw Palash lying on the bed with a noose around his neck and informed the police. The police went to the spot in the night, broke the lock of the house and recovered the body and took it to the police station. As Palash was lying on the bed, a mystery was created in the public mind about Palash’s death. Evidence of drug consumption was also recovered from Palash’s house the police Inspector of Rajapur Police Station. Feroz Kamal said that a case of wrongful death has been registered in this incident. The body was exhumed this morning to find out the exact cause of death Sent to Jhalakathi Sadar Hospital morgue for post-mortem.
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