Checks for financial assistance from Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina’s Relief and Welfare Fund have been distributed. Alhaj Kazi Keramat Ali, MP of Rajbari-1 Constituency, handed over checks to the beneficiaries as the chief guest in Rajbari District Commissioner’s conference room on Tuesday (March 28) at twelve o’clock in the afternoon under the chairmanship of Deputy Commissioner Abu Kaysar Khan. At this time Rajbari District Awami League Vice President Hedayet Ali Sohrab, beneficiaries and others were present. At this time, checks of 18 lakh rupees were distributed to 34 people from the Prime Minister’s Relief and Welfare Fund. Later prayers and prayers were offered for long life of the Prime Minister.
In the speech of the chief guest, MP Kazi Keramat Ali said – Hon’ble Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina helps people in various ways. Financial assistance is provided for medical treatment from the Prime Minister’s Relief and Welfare Fund, especially for those suffering from critical illnesses. This time I received the application of 53 people and submitted it to the ministry, from there 34 people are being given financial assistance today. Our purpose is to stand by people. So I feel good to be able to stand next to the helpless people. All of you should pray for honorable Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, may she be well and healthy.
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