There is an uproar across West Bengal over the murder of a woman doctor after she was raped at RG Kar Medical College Hospital. Due to this inhumane incident, a large section of the student community and the general public has gradually turned against the ruling Trinamool Congress. In such a situation, West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee announced that a special session will be called in the assembly to pass a law against rape.
On the foundation day of the Trinamool Congress on Wednesday (August 28), the Chief Minister said from a public meeting at Mayo Road in Kolkata, “If the state had the law, we would have enacted a strict law against rape long ago.” Waited long, no more. I will request the speaker of the assembly to call a special session of the assembly within the next 10 days. I will raise a bill for the maximum punishment of rape and pass it to the governor.
Infuriating the governor, Mamata said, if Rajababu does not pass the bill, then all the girls and mothers will stand in front of the Raj Bhavan. This time by sending the bill to the president, the responsibility will not be done.
An allegation of molestation by an employee of the Raj Bhavan has been made against Raja Babu. Do not be shy! That woman worker was in fear for so long. We took him from there and gave him a job in another place, we also arranged his accommodation.
The chief minister also said that the only punishment for those who rape will be hanging. But you know why BJP is not bringing strict punishment for hanging? Because, if this law is made, all their people will go to jail.
Mamata announced several programs demanding strict punishment against rape from the public meeting of the day. Among them, Trinamool Congress will protest in front of all universities of West Bengal on Friday (August 30) demanding maximum punishment for rape. The party will march in all districts and blocks on Saturday (August 31).
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