A person named Mominul Islam (40) was arrested by the Sadar Thana police while transporting Tk 38 lakh in sacks of rice in Lalmonirhat. On Sunday (May 28) noon, he was arrested after seizing the money from Teesta Road Bridge Toll Plaza of Sadar Upazila on Lalmonirhat Rangpur Highway. The arrested Mominul Islam is the nephew of the owner of Anbesha Contracting Company of Ulipur Upazila of Kurigram. Lalmonirhat Sadar Police Station Officer-in-Charge (OC) Ershadul Alam said that when Nabil Paribahan, which left Kurigram, reached the toll plaza of Teesta Road Bridge, the police searched the bus as part of regular work.
At this time, a suspicious sack of rice was searched and the money was found. Mominul was arrested and 38 lakh was seized when he saw cash in the sack of rice. Mominul Islam, who was detained during preliminary interrogation, told the police that this money was being taken in Dhaka to buy rod cement from his uncle Anbesha Construction. The money was taken in rice sacks for security reasons. The detained person could not give any answer about the money transport in the sack of rice without making a transaction in the bank. However, the owner of Anbesha Construction, the main owner of the money, has been called to the police station. The OC of the police station also said that further legal action will be taken after uncovering the secret of the money.
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