Lakshmipur in the cries of those trapped in the flood have started. There have been posts on various Facebook pages about food shortages. The student society has come to the field, it is seen that the committee members of various schools, madrasas, colleges, etc. are collecting cash from various places to help the homeless. Some are busy with distribution of relief items, some are busy taking the flood victims to dry places, some are giving dry food relief items to the flood victims. Meanwhile, it is raining slowly. In Lakshmipur, the water has increased twice an hour compared to yesterday, and the water has increased 14 times in a day. It can be seen that the flood water is in the low-lying houses. The relatives of many families are constantly worried about where to go and what to eat. There are sick mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, wives, sons and daughters in the family at home. Who knew that they would have to fall into an epidemic situation called flood. However, after posting on the Facebook page, social media journalists started reporting about flood victims in Feni Noakhali district and Lakshmipur district. Disclosure. While giving dry food to the flood victims, there is a shortage of dry food among the flood victims. The cries of not getting food can still be seen in some places by opening Facebook. However, the flood water has taken a more severe form than in Noakhali district, and the flood victims of Lakshmipur district are facing a dire situation. There are millions of people trapped in flood waters in 56 unions and 4 municipalities including Kamalnagar Ramgati, Ramganj, Raipur, Chandraganj and Laxmipur Sadar thana. However, the student coordinators of BNP, Jamaat Shibir, Chhatra Samaj have a strict role in providing humanitarian services to humanity to provide security for the food crisis and flood water trapped people. Not only did the aid go to the flood victims but students also contributed their personal cash as aid.
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