Jhalakathi Sadar Hospital supervisor against National Mourning Day money embezzlement!

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Jhalkathi Sadar Hospital supervisor Dr. Shamim Ahmed has been accused of embezzling lakhs of rupees. The supervisor billed Tk 65,000 showing the cost of the National Mourning Day program on August 15. In this regard, the Civil Surgeon said, we celebrated the mourning day with 4 organizations (Civil Surgeon, Sadar Hospital, BMA, Secretary) and the supervisor of the Sadar Hospital participated with us by paying 5 thousand taka. In addition, there are allegations of various irregularities and corruption including harassment of employees, harassment for no reason, formation of inquiry committee, demand for extortion, misappropriation of money through fake vouchers, abuse of power. This discussed and criticized supervisor was transferred from the post of Rangpur Civil Surgeon on March 7 this year and sent to Jhalkathi. He joined Jhalkathi on March 11 this year. He was criticized in the case of embezzlement of Tk 25 lakh allocated to health assistants in Rangpur for Kovid-19 and he was blocked. In this regard, General Secretary of Rangpur Health Assistants Association Masudur Rahman Apu and Mithapukur Upazila Health Assistant Ilias Hossain said that in Rangpur district, 25 lakh taka was allocated as remuneration grant for providing 1 crore corona vaccinations in one day. At that time, Dr. was working as a civil surgeon in Rangpur. Shamim Ahmed. In the case of embezzlement by taking this allocation from the bank and not giving it to us, he was penally transferred to Jhalkathi.

According to reliable sources, the supervisor showed the cost of 1 lakh 10 thousand taka for the transfer travel bill to come from Rangpur to Jhalkathi. Which is incredible. He owns a flat in Doctor’s Quarter but pays only 10% of the rent. The government is defrauding the government of huge amount of revenue by not deducting the prescribed full rent. Bringing the AC from the emergency department of the hospital and using it in his government quarter residence. The driver paid 16 lakhs for the fuel due to the ambulance in the hospital. Accused of irregularities against Mohsin. It has been alleged that the supervisor has made an inquiry committee without getting the demand from the driver. Patients are deprived of free ambulance service due to non-payment of this 7-month allotment of petrol pumps. But as the allegations were not found, the supervisor made a second round of investigation committee. Driver Mohsin said that he was harassing in the name of investigation because he did not give the 1 lakh taka demanded by the caretaker. Before submitting the investigation report, I apologize and ask for an answer. He is accused of using an ambulance for his journey by showing a false address to carry a pregnant woman. Even every month 25/30 fake pregnant patients are embezzling government money for ambulance fuel. Apart from this, he again embezzled a huge amount of money by showing fake vouchers for the purchase of generator oil by issuing repair letters for the hospital’s generator. Contract based car driver in the residential building of doctors. The supervisor is taking advantage of Shahadat by doing evil deeds through him. In these matters, the supervisor of Sadar Hospital Dr. Shamim Ahmed said, the AC of the house has been allocated through the contractor of the Public Works Department. All bill vouchers are duly endorsed. Deducting 25% rent in my bus building. I took the replacement travel bill according to the government rules. Unnecessary bereavement of employees is not right. He also said that there is no truth in other allegations against him.

On the other hand, the search also revealed that the supervisor of Sadar Hospital, Dr. Shamim Ahmed is often absent from work. He joined on March 11 this year and has enjoyed 80 days of illegal leave so far. As his personal interest was not achieved, the Ministry of Health has taken back about Tk. Due to the failure to purchase medicines of this amount on time, the patients are deprived due to the shortage of medicines in the government supply. He is alleged to have benefited from a single decision even though the hospital’s procurement committee disagreed with most of his objective decisions. Similarly, in the financial year 2002-24, despite having dengue test worms in the hospital, huge amount of worms were purchased. He sent Rajapur and Nalchiti to Health Complex as interest was not achieved in exchange for the additional insects brought without taking the demand of the purchase committee. In the same financial year, about 50 windows of the hospital were painted with colored glass, 20 were installed. There is information that he is benefiting by giving the certificate himself without the recommendation of the supervisory committee in this way in connivance of public works. Jhalkathi did not give notice in any local daily newspaper to press the MSR tender work for financial year 2023-2024 in exchange of huge interests.

Hospital food supply contractor. Sarwar Hossain Swapan said that the Ministry of Health had given instructions to allocate 175 taka instead of 125 taka 1 year ago. But because the supervisor for mala fide purpose did not give it, I appealed in the high court. But all other upazila hospitals are providing food at 175 taka. He has been accused of embezzling huge amount of money on fake bill vouchers by pretending to be clean inside and outside the hospital. In the bill voucher, the supervisor shows himself as the payer, himself as the approver and himself as the acceptor and withdraws various fake bills of lakhs of rupees including ambulance maintenance, cleaning. He embezzled money by showing fake renovation work of the hospital. They embezzled money on fake fuel vouchers by pretending that the generator was running even though there was no electricity. The cat in the bag will come out only when the official bill vouchers are investigated.

In these matters, the supervisor of Sadar Hospital Dr. Shamim Ahmed said that the AC of the house has been allocated through the contractor of the Public Works Department. All bill vouchers are duly endorsed. Deducting 25% rent in my bus building. I took the replacement travel bill according to the government rules. Unnecessary bereavement of employees is not right. He also said that there is no truth in other allegations against him.

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