The breakdown of Padma has started in Shariatpur. Padma has been breaking at various points for the past few days. Hundreds of families are living in fear in Jazeera Union’s Pathalia Kandi. And Shariatpur Water Development Board is trying hard to prevent this breakdown.
According to the Shariatpur Water Development Board, thousands of families of Jazira Upazila have lost their land and become destitute due to the terrible failure of Padma. Water Development Board (PUBO) has taken up 8.67 km river protection project to prevent long-term erosion of Padma river. In September last year, the project ‘Protecting the Mazhirghat zero point area from the breach of the right bank of Padmani in Jazira upazila of Shariatpur district’ was approved. The cost of the project is estimated at 860 crore rupees.
After that, the Water Development Board started work by the end of May last by appointing contractors for 32 packages. The project is scheduled to expire in June 2026.
At present, the work of dumping geo bags filled with sand along with the installation of CC blocks is going on in various areas of Jajira Upazila East Naodoba, Paler Char, Bara Kandi and Jajira Union under the dam. According to the Water Development Board, 1,300 workers are working to complete the work of the project quickly.
Meanwhile, when the monsoon season starts, the water and current of Padma increases. As a result, for the last one week, the breakdown started at several points including Pathalia Kandi of Jazira Upazila. In this, several crops and plants go under the river. In the meantime, the Water Development Board has started work to prevent the breakdown. They are dumping geo bags filled with sand. This brought relief to the panicked people. They now see the light of hope after seeing the work of the Water Development Board. The District Water Development Board has announced that the project will be completed soon.
The water level in Padma river has increased a lot. Along with this, the flow has also increased, so the erosion has increased, as a result of the erosion, several crop lands and homesteads in the Pathaliakandi area have been lost to the river.
Rakib Moral, a local resident, said, ‘The river was a little far from the house even a few days ago. After a few days of erosion, the river is now near the house yard. But we are happy with the way work has started to prevent the collapse.
Varna Haque, sub-divisional engineer of the District Water Development Board, said that the Padma river started to break down in Jazira when the monsoons started. Erosion has occurred in several areas including Pathaliakandi in the last one week. The Water Development Board is trying hard to prevent this breakdown. In the meantime we have started dumping geo bags to prevent erosion.
Shariatpur Water Development Board Executive Engineer S. M Ahsan Habib said, The work of 8.67 km right bank dam in Jazira at a cost of Tk 860 crore started last May. Besides, like every year, this year too, erosion has started in some places during the monsoon season. We are trying our best to prevent breakage.
Now our main aim is to dump geo bags at all the points where the breakdown has occurred. 1300 workers have been employed to prevent the collapse. Carrying out dumping of sand filled geobags at various points due to fracture. I hope to save the local people from the collapse of Padma.
Besides, after the completion of the project, the people of this region will be permanently protected from river erosion. The quality of life of the people of Padma Par will be improved. Besides, the township, which has been damaged for a long time, will become a tourist center.
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