Railway Minister Nurul Islam Sujan MP has inaugurated the operation of the Ramsagar Express train in the northern region. Gaibandhar will officially inaugurate the Ramsagar train at Bonarpara station in Saghata on Tuesday. He spoke as the chief guest in a discussion meeting organized by Saghata Upazila A.League. Local member of Parliament Mahmud Hasan Ripon MP spoke as a special guest. Upazila Awami League president Adv. Whip Mahbub Ara Guinea MP, Upazila Awami League President and Phulchari Upazila Parishad Chairman GM Salim Parvez, former President Beeb Muktijoddha Waresh Ali Pradhan, Veer Muktijoddha Nazmul Huda spoke in the discussion under the chairmanship of SM Samshil Arefin Titu and moderated by Secretary Nashirul Islam Swapan. Dudu,Many others were also present.The railway minister said that since the popular Ramsagar Express train in the northern region was stopped a century ago, the passengers of Saghata-Phulchari and Gaibandha areas were suffering. Since the closure of the train, the people of this region have been carrying out various agitations including human chain and assembly to demand the resumption of the train. In view of this long-standing demand of the local residents, Mahmud Hasan Ripon, Member of Parliament of Gaibandha-5 (Saghata-Phulchhari) Constituency promised to start the train after winning the by-election. In an effort to fulfill his promise, MP Mahmud Hasan managed to get permission to reopen the Ripon train. Re-inauguration of the much-desired Ramsagar Express train will fulfill the long-standing demand of Gaibandhabasi along with reducing the suffering of railway passengers in the northern region. As a result, new joy has appeared among the people of this region.
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