Fatehpur High School in Ward No. 15 of Rangpur city has human chained and protested against the Rs. On Monday (July 24, 23) at around 1:00 pm, they came to the main gate of the school and formed a human chain assembly after protesting on Bhurarghat Fatehpur Phulbari Road. At that time, the students and local residents of the school who participated in the manbandhan demanded investigation and cancellation of the recruitment business for two positions in manbandhan. Victim Mahesh Chandra said, I have given the recruitment exam for the post of cleaner. The headmaster told me about money. If I pay, they will give me the job. But because someone else wanted to pay more than me, he was selected for the recruitment test. Another victim Farid Islam said, what do we do with the test. Rabiul Islam, the head teacher of the school and Zakaria Islam, president of the managing committee, Shibulu, in exchange for the money, the nanny and the security personnel have sealed the two. Fatepur High School Headmaster Rabiul Islam asked to know about this, he refused to talk about the appointment.
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