The police recovered the half-melted body of a man named Nazir Ahmed Hiru (46) from Jagti area of Kushtia Sadar Upazila after 21 days of his disappearance. The police have arrested 2 people including the mastermind involved in the murder. The deceased is the son of Bashir Ahmed of Hiru Jagti area. On Thursday (August 24, 2023) at 4 pm, the Kushtia Model Police Station recovered the body by digging the soil from inside the abandoned mango garden of a rented house in the morning evening lane area of Majampur, Kushtia city. The arrested accused are Johny Hossain (25) son of Nazrul Islam of Barkhada area of Kushtia Sadar Upazila and Tushar Hossain (22) son of Shafiqul Islam of Garadi Kanabiler Mor area. It is known from the family of the deceased Hiru that Nazir Ahmed Hiru left Jagti area with a passenger while riding an easybike at 8 am on Thursday, August 3. Since then there has been no trace of him. As the day passed and it became night, as Hiro did not return home, the family started searching everywhere possible. But nowhere was found. Later on last 04/08/2023 Bashir Ahmed father of missing youth Hiru made a general diary at Kushtia Model Police Station. whose GD No- 291. According to police sources, Bashir Ahmed, the father of deceased Hiru, started the police investigation after filing a GD at the police station regarding the disappearance. The police conducted this investigation for several days. Later on Thursday, August 24, Kushtia Model Police Station arrested Johnny and Shafiqul as suspects. After the arrest, during extensive interrogation by the police, at one point the accused confessed to killing the easy bike driver Hiro. According to the confession of the arrested accused, a team of Kushtia Model Police Station led by Officer-in-Charge (OC) Syed Ashiqur Rahman of Kushtia Model Police Station conducted the operation. After carrying out an operation for about one and a half hours, the half-melted body of the missing Hiru was recovered from a corner of the abandoned Ambagan of a rental house in Mazampur area of Kushtia city.
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