A village doctor named Habibur Rahman (43) was arrested on Monday at 2 o’clock in the night by Daulatpur Police Station for posting an ugly status on Facebook about Bangabandhu’s daughter Sheikh Hasina in Kushtia’s Daulatpur. He is the son of Mahir Ali of Jaipur village of Pragpur union of upazila. Daulatpur Police Inspector Rakibul Hasan confirmed the truth of the incident and said that when an ugly status about the honorable Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina was spread on Facebook, the former leader of Daulatpur College Chhatra League, Tarikul Islam Sohag, a resident of Daulatpur College Para, made a statement as a plaintiff, and we arrested the accused. Sent to jail through court. Tariqul Islam Sohag, the plaintiff in the case and former student leader of Daulatpur College Chhatra League, said, “I have seen an ugly status about Sheikh Hasina, the daughter of the honorable Prime Minister of Bangladesh, Bangabandhu. In this regard, in consultation with my leader Upazila Jubo League President Bulbul Ahmed Token Chowdhury, I filed a complaint at Daulatpur Police Station as a plaintiff. The police arrested the accused after receiving the statement. We want exemplary punishment for the perpetrators of this heinous incident.
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