In Shalmara of Baliakandi upazila of Rajbari district, due to a previous dispute, a farmer named Imran Mahabub has been accused of cutting small and big watermelons of one and a half acres of land and causing damage of three lakh taka. Imran Mahabub said, we are dependent on agricultural work. In Khalilpur of Jangal Union, I am cultivating watermelon on lease of one and a half acres of land in Shalmara West field, next to Baku Molla’s house. Last April 6, around 11:00 to 2:00, they cut and destroyed more than 700 small watermelons in the field and stole large watermelons. I have suffered a loss of 3 lakh taka. He also said, I had a fight with my neighbor Anwar Hossain Gong on 26th March, that’s why I think they may have done this harm to me. I have filed a written complaint in Baliakandi police station in this incident.
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