Khurshidul Jannat, the head teacher accused of embezzling Tk 2 million from different sectors of Eidgaon Adarsh High School, the oldest school in Eidgaon upazila of Cox’s Bazar, has been selected as the best head teacher of Cox’s Bazar upazila and district during the National Education Week. Before this, four members of the school managing committee, Eidgaon, were against Khurshidul Jannat. Union Parishad Chairman Chayed Alam, Shahid Ullah Miyaji, SM Sarwar Kamal and Ramzan Ali have written to the Minister of Education, Deputy Minister of Education, Anti-Corruption Commission, Cox’s Bazar District Commissioner, District Education Officer, Upazila Executive Officer and Upazila Secondary Education Officer, etc. In view of this, the upazila administration has formed a committee of three members headed by the upazila education officer. However, Khurshidul Jannat denied all the allegations and claimed that it was a conspiracy.
According to the sources, Khurshidul has embezzled about one crore seventy eight lakh seventy thousand taka from Jannat School since taking charge as the head teacher. Which includes 23 lakh 50 thousand taka from the school teacher-employee’s provident fund, 25 lakh taka from testimonial, board certificate and certificate sector, 33 lakh taka in allocation of 33 shops of school market without receipt of salami, development without development committee and without tender in the last five years. 30 lakh taka in name, illegal re-admission fee in 2022 without receipt is three lakh taka, rent of a shop for three years without receipt is taka 1 lakh 80 thousand, admission form for 2022 and 2023 is taka two lakh, in 2022 taka 1 lakh 50 thousand from pure pronunciation training , 2022 JSC and SSC registration extra Tk 2000, 2023 SSC exam 150 Tk 5000 taken as security, 2023 SSC form 1000 extra taken and 2023 SSC exam 2023 forcibly brought Tk 1000 from hostel business Apart from this, support fee taken without receipt from the open university attached to the school is two lakh taka every year, taka 50,000 as a discount for students’ selection of shoes and tailors, taka 40,000 as a gift given to the SSC candidates of 2022 for the purchase of book showcases, since 2010. Three lakh rupees from teachers welfare fund, one lakh rupees illegally taken during SSC practical, four lakh rupees taken secretly for recruitment of assistant librarians, lab assistants and cleaners, four lakh rupees taken from eight teachers in the name of file processing of teachers appointed by NTRCA, students since 2015 There have been allegations of misappropriation of Tk 10 lakh from the ID card, admission card sector, construction of the second floor of a part of the school market without tender and Tk 25 lakh from salami.
Khurshidul The teacher was criticized for rearing cows on the ground floor, steep stairs and upper floor of the Sheikh Russell House located in the south-east corner of the school grounds. The complaint also mentions that although the financial condition was bad earlier, after being appointed to Khurshidul Jannat School, he currently has half a million taka in Koba Tower behind Cox’s Bazar Model Police Station. He is living a luxurious life by buying expensive flats. He uses a reserve taxi every day to go to school, which is 33 km from home. It is mentioned in the allegation that he is doing these things with the school money. The teachers of the concerned school said on condition of anonymity that Khurshidul Jannat is very cunning. To hide his rampant corruption, he always does extraordinary things in school development and other areas, which will come out on investigation. Some businessmen of Vidyalaya Shop Market, who did not want to be named, complained that after the new construction of the Vidyalaya Shop Market, every shop that they rent out to them is salami. The school authorities take a total of six lakh rupees. But the contract of the shop mentions the payment of five lakh taka. Another receipt of 1 lakh taka was not given to the businessmen. When asked about the embezzlement of two crore taka from different names of the school, Khurshidul Jannat denied all the allegations and said that this is a conspiracy against me.
The members of the investigation committee have already visited the school. Called me and the complainants too. They could not give any document to the investigating team. District Education Officer Md. Nashir Uddin said, I am aware of the complaint against the head teacher of Eidgah Adarsh High School. It is being investigated by the upazila. The concerned have been asked to complete the investigation quickly. So that peace can be ensured if guilty and that charges can be quickly released if innocent. He said that the complaint and the selection of the best head teacher are two different things. In this regard, Upazila Nirbahi Officer Md Zakaria said that a committee of three members headed by the Upazila Education Officer has already been formed due to various corruption allegations against the head teacher of Eidgah Adarsh High School. But in the meantime the upazila education officer was transferred. The new joiner has been directed to investigate the matter quickly and submit a report.
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