109 stolen cows have been seized in a joint operation by the upazila administration and the BGB on the border of Naikxyongchari and Ramu. Last Friday (March 24) in the afternoon of Kambaniya village of the upazila Sadar, 21 illegal Burmese cows were seized by the Naikxyongchari upazila administration, 11 BGB and Naikxyongchari Police. The matter has been confirmed by Task Force Executive Magistrate and Naikxyongchari Upazila Nirbahi Officer Romen Sharma. Earlier, Task Force seized 88 Burmese cows in 2 raids. Lt. Col. Md. Rezaul Karim, 11 BGB captain said about the raid, BGB has a strict position on the border. Especially the cattle smugglers. Day and night operation against. And the law will be taken against whoever is found in the hands.
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