Controversial Inspector (TI) Habib of Jhalkathi Traffic Police was finally transferred. Although this order was completed on Thursday, he was removed from the duty of Jhalakathi Traffic Police on Friday. He was taken to the Jhalkathi police line after being entrusted with the responsibility of the D-store of the district police.
TI Habib was the name of the mortal terror in the Jhalakathi transport sector for a long time. The reckless extortion and threats of this police officer Transport and motorcyclists were fed up.
Earlier, TI Habib was working in Jhalkathi twice. He was previously working as an agent. Joined this time as TI. Two times earlier, the people of Jhalakathi had suffered. At that time too he was transferred because of his misdeeds.
TI Habib himself seized various types of cars in different places of the district in the morning and evening under various pretexts. According to the Motor Vehicle Crime Act, if there is a fault in the vehicle or the fault of the driver, Habib’s provision was different even though he pushed the provision to file a case on the spot with a pause machine. He caught the motorcycle without taking any action on the spot and seized the bike and took it to his office, which was hidden inside the headquarters police outpost. Later, realizing the opportunity, the car is released in exchange for money. After searching for some time, the media workers found these pictures of Habib’s money trade. However, Samprati Jhalkathi Superintendent of Police came to know about the matter and started to inquire about Habib from other police officers and common people. And because TI Habib understood this information, Habib’s illegal trade decreased.
Apart from the motorcycle impound business, regular maswaras are also taking from courier services, parcel transport, covered vans, TomTom, auto rickshaws, easybikes and microbuses on hire. As the car owners have become helpless, the transport business is also about to collapse. The vehicle drivers and stakeholders breathed a sigh of relief by thanking the Superintendent of Police for such a decision to transfer TI Habib.
However, the accused inspector Habib of the traffic police denied these accusations, saying, “The superintendent of police has been unhappy with me for some time, someone may have said to him that I take unethical benefits.” So it was decided. But the shift from TI to D-Store has been good for me. I used to be very stressed here.
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