3000 kg of MOP fertilizer seized during smuggling in Vijaynagar, Brahmanbaria done On Monday (June 19) at noon, a place called Rampur on the Dhaka-Sylhet highway The pickup was seized from Meanwhile, a young man named Sajib Mia (25) involved in trafficking has been arrested. Upazila Agriculture Officer. Shabbir Ahmed said, Charislampur of Vijay Nagar Upazila 60 sacks weighing 50 kg in a pickup van from M/s Zakir Hossain Traders Sajib Mia was taking 3 thousand kg of fertilizer to Ashuganj upazila. At that time, raiding from Rampur on the Dhaka-Sylhet highway with the help of secret information The fertilizer was seized along with the pickup. In this regard, the Upazila Agriculture Office filed a case Preparations are underway.
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