Rajapur Upazila Awami League of Jhalkathi held a protest against the threat to kill Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina from the BNP rally in Rajshahi. The procession starts from the Dakbanglo intersection of the upazila headquarters and ends at the same place at the end of the circuit of the main main road of the city. On Monday (May 22) afternoon, the procession started under the leadership of AHM Khairul Alam Sarfraz, president of Upazila Awami League and Zilla Parishad member, from in front of the office of Awami League at Dak Banglo Mor. The protest march was held as part of Awami League’s nationwide protest against the threat to kill Sheikh Hasina. The party leaders and activists who participated in it shouted slogans warning BNP.
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