Around the upcoming 12th National Assembly elections, campaigning of MP candidates in various constituencies under the party banner is going on all over the country. Dhaka has 18 seats and no exception. Dhaka North Metropolitan Awami League’s Industry and Commerce Secretary Khosru Chowdhury has already won praise from the high command of the party along with common people in public relations and political activities. MP candidate Khosru Chowdhury said that public leader Sheikh Hasina is a farmer, from day laborer to homeless, the image of helplessness of the third gender could not escape the attention. In addition to economic development in line with the developed countries of the world, I wish for your attention and intervention in solving the problems of some areas of Dhaka 18 constituencies in the light of Bangladesh’s entrance into the leader’s plan and talent development.
Dhaka Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport Police Station, Khilkhet Police Station, Dakshin Khan Police Station and Uttar Khan Police Station have recently been transformed into densely populated areas due to various important institutions and establishments. Especially on the east side of Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport Railgate, there are Bangmata Sheikh Fazilatunnessa Government High School, Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Government College, Uttar Khan Government High School, RAB office, Hajj Camp, Ansar Camp, industrial institutes and many other institutions. Similarly Khilkhet, Kawlar, Hajjcamp, Sekandar Market, Azampur, Kotbari Railgate East area has countless educational institutes, hospitals and other important institutions and millions of people have lived in that area. Meanwhile, due to the increase in the number of trains, every morning thousands of people are suffering from accidents and inconveniences while crossing the railway gate to go to their workplace. In such a situation, it has become necessary to construct flyovers and underpasses at some places to reduce the suffering and misery of the people and to beat the time.
1) Construction of Flyover on Kotbari Railgate 2) Construction of Flyover on Azampur Railgate 3) Construction of Flyover on Sekander Market Railgate 4) Construction of Flyover on Airport Railgate and Construction of Underpass 5) Construction of Flyover on Kawlar Railgate 6) Construction on Khilkhet Railgate Construction of flyover and underpass 7) Construction of bridge over river Balu from Kachankura to Bhaturia Barakau Purbachal. 8) Construction and development of roads and 6 feet dia sewage line in Harirampur, Uttarkhan, Dakshinkhan and Dumni Unions is absolutely necessary. Note that in the last 12 years, 3 government educational institutions in Dhaka-18 Constituency namely- 1) Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Government College 2) Bangmata Sheikh Fazilatunnessa Government High School 3) Uttarkhan Government High School. There is no notable development except for 1 Kuwait Friendship Hospital in Uttara. The people of that region are demanding a total of 14 wards. 1 government hospital, 1 government community center, 1 government market, 1 playground, 1 children’s park, 1 public cemetery, 1 central mosque and Eidgah ground should be constructed in each ward.
Excavation of canal:- 1) Excavation of 50 feet wide canal from Uttarkhan, Chamurkhan culvert to Sinoti canal. 2) It has become necessary to dig a 50 feet wide canal from Dakshinkhan Ashkona Hajjcamp to Sinoti Canal. The long-term expectations of the people of this region are the following 6 roads namely- 1) From Abdullahpur Highway to Nagri Bypass via Mainartek. 2) From Uttara Azampur to Chamurkhan via Uttara Khan. 3) From Sekander Market Railgate to Dakshinkhan, Kachankura to Baturia Balu River. 4) From Ashkona Haj Camp to Dakshinkhan, Sonarkhola, Baothar Sinotir Canal 5) From Khilkhet to Barua to Dumni, Patira River Bridge 6) It has become necessary to widen the Harirampur Kamarpara road and Baunia road of Turag police station by 60 to 80 feet.
If the mentioned roads are implemented according to the needs of the people, Uttara will take the shape of the city, your dream and father of the nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman’s golden Bengal will be transformed. The people of this region will greet you with joy throughout their lives. Construction of flyovers, underpasses, bridges over the Balu River over the above railway gates will increase connectivity with the eastern region, resulting in the development of many industrial establishments and multi-storied houses and employment generation.
Therefore, Hon’ble Prime Minister, you are the guardian of the country, the people and the unprecedented development all over the country under your guidance and intervention, I humbly appeal to you as a valiant freedom fighter and your worker, considering the indescribable suffering of millions of people living in the above important areas. In order to solve the important public problems mentioned above, I am seeking His Majesty’s order to implement measures for the immediate implementation of flyovers, underpasses, bridges, roads, Suarez Canal digging in the above mentioned places. Also pray for you in 18 seats.
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