Dinajpur Sadar Upazila No. 8 Shankarpur Union Parishad has announced the budget for the financial year 2023-2024 in an open budget session with the union residents like every year. Md. Ataur Rahman, chairman of No. 8 Shankarpur Union Parishad presided over the open budget session. UP Secretary Sushil Chandra Das acted as moderator. UP members Rezaul Islam, Atifur Rahman Md. Sultan Alam, women members Rahima Begum, Farida Yasmin and Fazilatun Nahar gave greetings. While announcing the open budget, UP Chairman Md. Ataur Rahman said that without increasing any tax or adding any new tax, this time the budget has been fixed at 1 crore 93 lakh 90 thousand 3 hundred taka. Considering the development of the Union residents, 1 lakh has been earmarked for the disabled population, 1 lakh for health protection, 75 thousand for tackling poverty, 1 lakh for women development, and 50 thousand for legal assistance. He also said in the president’s speech, the hopes and aspirations of the people of the area will be reflected through the open budget in front of the union residents. We need your full cooperation to make Shankarpur Union a Smart Union.
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