Bollywood powerhouse actor Sanjay Dutt’s birthday is today (July 29). And he revealed his new movie look on his birthday. The first look of ‘Double Smart’, the sequel to director Puri Jagannath’s blockbuster ‘Smart Shankar’, is out. Sanjay Dutt posted that poster on Instagram on his birthday.
In the first look, Sanjay Dutt is wearing earrings, a ring on his hand, a tattoo on his eyebrow, an expensive watch, holding a cigar and looking away. Sanjay Dutt said that he is proud to work in this movie. Just waiting for the year to pass. Next year in 2024 on Mahashivratri, it will be released in multiple languages including Hindi, Telugu, Tamil. Sanjay Dutt himself is also waiting for the release of the movie. The real name of the powerful actor of Bollywood is Sanjay Balraj Dutt. He was born on 29 July 1959. After making her debut in the 1981 film Rocky, she has acted in more than 180 Hindi films.
Although Dutt has achieved success by starring in films ranging from romantic to comedic, he is more acclaimed for playing gangsters, goons and police officers in drama and action films.
Indian media and audience called him ‘Deadly Dutt’ for his performance in these roles. Sanjay also enjoys it. Sanjay Dutt’s films include ‘Khalnayak’, ‘Basthav – The Reality’, ‘Munna Bhai MBBS’ and ‘KGF: Chapter Two’ (2022). He acted in an extraordinary supporting role in the movie ‘PK’ released in 2015 with Aamir Khan.
In a film career spanning over 37 years, he has won two Filmfare Awards, two IIFA Awards, two Bollywood Movie Awards, two Screen Awards, three Stardust Awards and one Global Indian Film Award and Bengal Film Journalist Samiti Award each.
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