Kalai food warehouse of Joypurhat has started purchasing paddy and rice. In the current year, the internal Boro/23 paddy and rice collection campaign has officially started. This program has started to achieve the target of purchasing 5 thousand 600’28 tons of paddy and rice. Upazila Parishad Chairman and Upazila A League President Minfuzur Rahman Milon cut the ribbon and inaugurated the collection campaign at Kalai Upazila Food Gudam Chatter at 2 pm on Sunday under the chairmanship of Upazila Nirbahi Officer Jannat Ara Tithi. Sources in the Upazila Food Controller’s office said that in the current Boro season of 2023, a decision was taken to purchase paddy from farmers and boiled rice from registered millers in two food warehouses of the upazila. It has set a target of collecting 936 metric tons of paddy from the farmers at the rate of 30 taka per kg and 4 thousand 600 metric tons of boiled rice from the millers at the rate of 44 taka per kg. This purchase campaign will continue until next August.
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