New farmer happy with summer watermelon cultivation in Kushtia

News Source

Md. Habibur Rahman

Kushtia district Correspondent

News Editor

Eati Akter


Farmers in Kushtia have achieved great success in summer watermelon cultivation. Farmers here are getting interested in watermelon cultivation as they are turning away from harmful tobacco cultivation and cultivating early season summer watermelons as per the advice of agriculture department. Government sponsorship is required in this case. According to the sources of the Agriculture Department, in the current Kharif-1 season, summer watermelons of various colors have been cultivated in Kushtia in about 10 hectares of land of various varieties including sunflower, blackberry and golden clown. In this, 2 hectares of land has been cultivated in Daulatpur. Farmers have been very successful in this. Farmers have spent 25 thousand to 30 thousand rupees per bigha of land to cultivate the profitable fruit of watermelon for only two months. And from that the income of the farmers is from 80 thousand to 1 lakh per bigha.

A young man named Ziarul Islam returned to the country from abroad and instead of sitting unemployed, he cultivated watermelons and responded to the area. The same is the case with another farmer named Santu Ali. Ziarul Islam and Santu Ali, the summer watermelon farmers of Daulatpur, said that they have made a lot of profit by cultivating summer watermelon this year on the advice of the agriculture department, and they said that they will increase summer watermelon cultivation in the future. Many people rush to the fields to buy fresh watermelons at affordable prices as they are colorful, tasty and juicy summer fruits. Many people are interested in watermelon cultivation after seeing them. Daulatpur Upazila Nirbahi Officer Md advised to grow self-sufficient by growing watermelon, a profitable and profitable fruit in the short term without leaving fallow land. Obaidullah. Daulatpur Agriculture Officer. Nurul Islam said that many farmers are interested in watermelon cultivation as the farmers benefit from cultivating watermelons of different colors in summer. In that case, the Agriculture Department is also giving their overall support and technical advice.

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Md. Habibur Rahman

Kushtia district Correspondent

Catagory News