Monitoring of students to eradicate tea syndicate in Panchagarh

News Source

Hafizur Rahman Habib

Panchagarh Correspondent

News Editor

Eati Akter


The anti-discrimination student society of Tentulia has risen up to eliminate tea syndicates of third-party brokers and factory owners to implement the government-fixed price of raw tea leaves for tea farmers in Panchagarh. They are exchanging opinions with factory owners and authorities to implement fair price for farmers by monitoring various tea factories in the district.

In the morning, the anti-discrimination student society of Tenturia spoke about the complaint received against the Bengali tea factory of Tentulia upazila and the payment of long-standing dues to the small tea farmers. After that they visited the Bismillah tea factory and talked about the detection of raw tea leaves with the factory officials. Several growers have complained that the Bismillah tea factory unfairly deducts 15-20% of the total weight of the raw tea leaves from the growers.

The Chairman of Bangla Tea Factory said that the money due to the small tea farmers will be settled very soon, the factory will be broker-free, and promised that the deduction will be below 10 percent.

Bismillah Tea Factory Chairone Kazi Anichur Rahman said, we deduct 15-20% of the total weight of wet leaves, but if the quality of the leaves is good, we do not deduct.

Hazrat Ali, Ragib Ishraq Prayas, Moktaruzzaman Moktar, Zakaria Ahmed and other students were present at this time.

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Hafizur Rahman Habib

Panchagarh Correspondent

Catagory News