As part of anti-quota movement ‘Bangla Blockade’ program, students of Government Brajlal College (BL College) and colleges affiliated to National University blocked the road and railway in Khulna. On Wednesday (July 10), they blocked the highway and railway tracks in the New Road area of the city from 10 am. During this time they started chanting different anti-quota slogans. Runs till 12:00 PM. Meanwhile, the students left the road after receiving the news that the Appellate Division had suspended the judgment of the High Court for four weeks. Then the traffic started.
BL College students Sajedul Islam Bappi and Sohag Gazi said, we have come here today with one demand. Our demand is to end all quota discrimination in jobs from first to fourth class. Quota discrimination will end after that we will leave the streets. There is no precedent of going back to any movement of the student society of this country and we will not go back empty handed. The movement will continue until the demands are met.
Meanwhile, the Appellate Division has issued a four-week stay on the High Court’s verdict declaring the decision to cancel the freedom fighter quota system in the first and second class of government jobs invalid. At the same time, the court asked the state side and the students to file an appeal against the High Court verdict. August 7 has been fixed for the next hearing in this regard.
Lawyers said that as a result of this order, the circular issued by the government in 2018 canceling the freedom fighter quota remains in force. Hearing the news of this order, the students left the road at 12:15 PM.
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