BNP Acting Chairman Tarek Rahman and his wife Dr. In protest against the sentence of Jobaida Rahman, a protest march and rally was held in Dinajpur on the initiative of Jubo Dal, Swachhasebak Dal and Chhatra Dal. As part of the central program, processions and rallies were held on Thursday (3 August-2023) afternoon. The police stopped the joint initiative of the District Youth Dal, Volunteers Dal and Chhatra Dal to take out a protest march.
Later, a short procession was held within the boundaries set by the police. After the short procession, a short rally was held in front of the party office. District BNP president Advocate Mofazzal Hossain Dulal spoke as the chief guest in the rally held under the chairmanship of Abdul Monnaf Mukul, president of Dinajpur district youth party. District BNP Senior Vice President Md. spoke as a special guest. Mokarram Hossain and organizing editor Aminul Islam Munna. District Youth Dal General Secretary AKM Masudul Islam Masud conducted the protest march and rally among others who spoke in the rally and district volunteer party convener Russell Ali Chowdhury Limon, member secretary Saiful Azam Sohail, district Chhatra Dal president Rezaur Rahman Reza, general editor Abujar Setu and others. District BNP Vice-President Mojaharul Islam Joint Editor (ANM) Bazlur Rashid and Publicity Editor Babu Chowdhury along with leaders and activists of district BNP, Youth Dal, Swachhasebak Dal, Chhatra Dal and various affiliated organizations of BNP participated in the protest march and rally.
It should be noted that in the case of concealment of position information and acquisition of positions outside of known income, on Wednesday, August 2, the 9-year-old son of BNP Acting Chairman Tarek Rahman and his wife Dr. The court judge ordered Jobaida Rahman to be imprisoned for 3 years.
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