A group of 4-5 men and women clashed with the old woman on her way home after withdrawing money from the bank in Muktagachha, Mymensingh. Within moments, 75 thousand rupees withdrawn by Rashida Begum (60) disappeared. The incident took place on Tuesday afternoon in front of M/s Swapna Traders on Upazila Tamakoptri Road while returning home after withdrawing money from the municipal Islami Bank. Later, the woman filed a complaint at Muktagacha police station and the police went into the field to unravel the mystery of the incident. Confirming the matter, Police Officer-in-Charge Md. Abdul Majeed told Yugantar that after receiving a complaint of stealing money from an old woman, Mamata Begum (60) aka Jharna Begum was arrested from Napitkhola CNG stand of the municipality around 3:30 on Tuesday after searching the surrounding areas including various markets of the municipality. 57 thousand rupees were recovered from the coach of the accused after searching the body. In preliminary questioning the accused admitted that he had been doing such work for 5 years in a group of 4-5 persons. The police informed that the accused will be sent to the court on Wednesday.
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