Smart Employment Fair organized for the first time in Jhalkathi. State Minister for Information and Communication Technology Junaid Ammed Palak MP inaugurated the fair at Shilpakala Academy Chatter on Sunday morning. Amir Hossain Amu MP, President of the Standing Committee on the Ministry of Industry, was the chief guest at the opening ceremony under the chairmanship of Deputy Commissioner Farah Gul Nizhum. In the speech of the chief guest, Amu said that everyone should work together to build a smart Bangladesh in keeping with the modern world. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina’s dream is to make every citizen self-reliant in this country. State Minister Junaid Ahmed Palak said, there is no alternative to work-oriented education to ensure smart employment. No one in this country will be unemployed if they can acquire skills. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina announced that if Smart Bangladesh is implemented, every person of this country will get all the services quickly. There will be no opportunity for any corruption. More than 20 leading IT companies of the country participated in the fair. Interested job aspirants in the fair are shortlisted after optional application, interview and screening. In addition, the youth were able to participate in seminars and discussions on various topics of skill development, innovation, and information technology at the fair. Organizers said that organizing the presence of employment at the beginning of the candidate’s career, not behind employment, will contribute significantly to the implementation of the government’s plan to reduce unemployment. The government’s Information and Communication Technology Department, Directorate of Information and Communication and several other organizations including A2I jointly organized this fair.
Visits: 5