Bhumi Seva Week was inaugurated and a discussion meeting was held at Barura, Comilla. Upazila Executive Officer (UNO) Sabrina Afrin Mustafa was the chief guest at the function under the chairmanship of Upazila Assistant Commissioner (Land) Md. Mehedi Hasan at Barura Upazila Land Office Auditorium at 11:00 on Monday, May 22. Md. Abdul Mannan, freedom fighter Md. Abdul Mannan, Abdus Sattar, President of Barura Upazila Press Club and correspondent journalist of daily Jayzaydin newspaper Md. Masud Majumdar were present as special guests. General secretary of Upazila Press Club and daily Titlat newspaper’s representative journalist Md. Ikramul Haque were also present. Editor and Correspondent Rota of Daily Bhorer Dak Patrika: Omar Farooq, Publicity Editor and Staff Reporter of Daily Samajkanth Patrika Journalist Md Sharif Uddin, Daily Us Comilla Representative Journalist Billal Hossain. Upazila land office surveyor Md Russell Hossain, municipal land officer Md Baharul Islam, Kazi Mufti Momin Ullah Bhuiya of Silmuri North Union, Bani Rani Bhowmik Lagnsar, Nazim Uddin of Adda Union Khatla village spoke among the service recipients. At the beginning of the event, Chief Guest Barura Upazila Nirbahi Officer Sabrina Afrin Mustafa cut the ribbon and auspiciously inaugurated the Land Service Week 2023.
Visits: 6