Syed Shahriar Ahsan, the then managing director of General Insurance Corporation, Mujibsena, got a commission of crores of rupees by getting a tender work of Tk 400 crore of insurance of Biman Bangladesh to an infamous contractor company of his choice. A corrupt circle of 20 people including the then Deputy Secretary of the Ministry of Finance Harun-or-Rashid Pasha, director of General Insurance, current Acting General Manager of General Insurance Corporation SM Shah Alam, DGM Abdul Barek played an active role in the corruption of the organization by being syndicated in many more terrible corruptions. Secretary Yunusur Rahman of the Financial Institutions Division of the Ministry of Finance wrote a letter to General Insurance MD Shahriar Ahsan on March 28-2017 to take legal action against 20 people of this gang for misappropriation of Tk 16 lakh 95 thousand 407, but no action was taken against anyone. Although the allegations of corruption against DGM Abdul Barek, his wife DGM Shaha Gani, AGM Nazim Uddin Alam have been proven true in several investigations, MD Shahriar Ahsan has instead appointed them to the important table without taking any action against them. Despite the numerous news published in various national newspapers, Hasina’s soldiers remained in good health with Jai Bangla slogans. Jai Bangla slogans in all such financial institutions were a license to commit corruption. When Shahriar Ahsan retired at the end of his term of service due to corruption in Birdarp, another Mujibsena Syed Belal Hossain joined his seat. This man who emerged from the Chhatra League showed his power by dismissing several low-ranking officials without any offense while chanting Jai Bangla slogans. However, on the order of the ACC, the re-investigation process was suspended against DGM Barek, a criminal proven in the investigation, and spread the net of corruption in general insurance through the hands of Barek. According to related sources, Harun-or-Rashid Pasha, the then director of General Insurance of Barek’s godfather and MD Belal Hossain Syndicate paid Tk 200 million FDR from the general insurance fund to Union Bank on the instructions of Queen Hasina’s cashier Mayor Tapas in return for an average commission of Tk 20 crore. MD Belal Hossain knew that this money would never return to the general insurance fund. He also does not have to face any trouble. Again the reward is promotion. Even so, Mayor Tapas removed Belal Hossain from the post of MD and promoted him to the office of the President. Again, another Mujibsena Harur-or-Rashid, who carries slogans of JaiBangla, is sitting in Belal’s position. And Abduch Samad Al Azad, Joint Secretary of the Ministry of Commerce, is sitting in the chair of Director Harun Pasha. They also walked along the path of Uttarsuri Shahriar and Belal. An investigation committee of General Insurance submitted an investigation report proving more serious crimes against DGM Barek Chakra through a 2-year dramatic investigation on the orders of ACC and regulatory agency IDR. However, the arbitrary General Manager SM Shah Alam brought that report to the board meeting and assigned a single investigation to the director Abdus Samad Al Azad. However, in a short period of time, a surprising incident happened in Azad’s investigation. Director Azad acquitted DGM Barek Chakra from all charges in return for a hefty sum of money. Now the question is whether those who investigated earlier made a mistake. If they have done wrong, then why not take action against them. However, the new MD Harun-or-Rashid is reluctant to talk about it. MD Haroon-ur-Rashid, Director Abdus Samad Al Azad and Acting General Manager SM Shah Alam Syndicate of General Insurance Corporation is dying due to continuous corruption, irregularities and arbitrariness. However, their end was not saved. Kathalrani Hasina left the country leaving the empire of corruption in the anti-discrimination movement of students. Hasina has destroyed every financial institution through these thieves-butters-robbers. And standing on top of this pile of destruction are dreaming of living anew, the victims of discrimination.
On August 20-2024, officers and employees who were deprived of promotion and other demands surrounded the office of managing director Harun-or-Rashid and chairman Dulal Kushn Shah at the head office of General Insurance Corporation.
Protesters claim they have not been promoted for years. Despite the fact that the post of GM has been vacant for a long time in the corporation, no one is getting promoted even from the lower posts as no one has been promoted. Rather, Acting General SM Shah Alam has been given additional responsibility for 3 more posts. In this, he is not conducting the right activities at the right time and he has been conducting the activities with extreme arbitrariness. As a result, the protesting officers-employees demande
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