The incident took place in Charkhali village of Sadar Union of Galachipa Upazila of Patuakhali. The two sons of the deceased Muslim Howladar. The resident Ibrahim and Faisal set up a shop through their sister Maksuda in Srinath Bazar with their hard-earned money. Six years later, the resident Ibrahim’s son Irfan and his sister’s son (sister-in-law) Hamza came together to renovate the old shop, but the shop was locked by his uncle Abu Kalam.
When the local chairman moved to protest this, without getting any solution for 15 days, on Friday, August 2, at around nine in the morning, when Masuda and his son Hamza and Ibrahim’s son Irfan were going to put tin in the shop, the two brothers, Abu Kalam, Afzal and Afzal, wanted an ambush. His wife Tanya.
While trying to save her sister Masuda, nephew Hamza and nephew Irfan in the attack, Najma was seriously injured in the back of the head with a native sharp Bengali knife held by Debar Afzal. When her sister Masuda came forward to save her, Abu Kalam and Afzal and His wife, Tania, was seriously injured in Masuda’s right hand. Currently the two injured sisters are under treatment at Galachipa Government Health Complex.
Injured victim Maqsuda said that due to the ongoing unrest in the country, he told Gamadhye that he did not get any solution even after going to the police station, besides, my husband Abu Kalam is a selfish person. My two expatriate brothers, who had built a shop in Srinath Bazar with much difficulty, are now trying to take over that shop, resulting in the current situation. I don’t know how I will pass the day ahead.
In this regard UP Chairman Md. Jahangir Hossain Titu said, I have come to know the matter, however, the details of the incident that I have heard are very sad. They all belong to the same family. Attempts are being made to resolve the issue.
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