Upazila representative The court of Rajbari has sentenced Md. Habibur Rahman (40), expelled president of Goland Upazila Farmers’ League, to life imprisonment in a drug case. Judge Jannatun Lilifa Akhtar of the District Sessions Judge Court (1) announced the verdict on Wednesday, July 3 at noon. It is said in the verdict, as the crime against Md. Habibur Rahman was proved in session 463/13 of the Narcotics Control Act case of 2013, he was sentenced to life imprisonment and 10 thousand taka fine in default of 6 months imprisonment. Accused Habibur Rahman was in the court when the verdict was announced. Later he was sent to jail. Habibur Rahman is the son of Jonab Ali of Kumrakandi village in Goaland municipality of Rajbari district. PP Ad Abu Bakkar of Rajbari court confirmed the life sentence of accused Habibur Rahman.
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